Model the switch to renewable energy for your enterprise, your development or your project.
Power Planner lets you look into the future and calculate the emissions you can avoid, and the pricing risks you can control.
Our holistic design process includes a facility review for optimal energy-efficient operation. Our designs often incorporate specifications for a renewable energy microgrid sized for a retrofit or a new project.
Leverage our strong credentials in delivering renewable energy projects. There’s more than a GW of renewable energy development in our portfolio.
We connect you with bankable ESG investment pools that can fund the capital expense of your project, allowing your business to transition to renewable energy using only OPEX. Our clients can also invest in their own projects.
Facilities operation is in our DNA. We can tailor performance analytics to both the generation and the load side of your energy platform.
We leverage a national network of experienced technicians (many of them direct employees) supported by a robust 24-7 dispatch, track, resolve and report infrastructure.
Located in London, Ontario, EVE Park is an all-electric community powered by the sun.
This 50-acre development in London Ontario is North America’s largest smart community.
The first sustainable supermarket
in Canada. Yes, our partners were involved.
In Oct 2021, COP 26 Glasgow gave the world a hint that capital markets were going to reshape the environmental